Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8/17 Slo Pok's Uptown Village Show 'n Shine

Saturday August 17th saw the 2nd annual Uptown Village Show 'n Shine hosted by the Slo Poks on Main Street Vancouver.  This show is designed to benefit the Hough Foundation with cash and school supplies.  The show is a joint effort of the Slo Poks hot rod club of Vancouver, WA, a 61 year old club and the Uptown Village Association, an association of uptown Vancouver merchants.  The show was greeted with perfect weather, and the turnout was way up for last year.  With over 130 registered participants and over 50 club member cars, the streets were full of the best hot rods, muscle cars, trucks, imports and about anything else, as all were welcome.
One of the raffle prizes, a custom striped guitar. 

The show was scheduled to start at 10AM, but show goers started showing up as early as 7:30AM!  We started letting cars in as soon as we were setup.

Slo Pok Russ Smith and his '38 Chevy coupe,
hehas been driving this car since it was
completed over 25 years ago.

Slo Poks Jeff Petersen and Mike Seelbinder taking a breather during the early morning setup

Slo Poks Michael Finn and
"Beaver" Bob Nicholson
working on the show setup.

There were tons of raffle prizes available for show attendees to win.  Club members have been scouring the county side to prizes for months.  It is always fun to win something!

The awards were one off, hand made trophies by Slo Poks members.  Very creative bunch!

Great events like this take the efforts of many.  Here are the local businesses that helped make the show a success.

Slo Pok members "Floirda" Dave Donaldson
and the legendary engine builder and drag
racer, Wayne Harry.

Show admission was a modest gate fee and a donation of school supplies for the Hough Foundation.  People were very generous, at day's end, there were boxes full of supplies.

The hanging baskets, a project of the
Uptown Village Association, really add
to Main Street.  Earlier in the year,
Slo Poks club members worked with
the Uptown Village Association
 to hang these baskets.

A one of one trophy provided by a Uptown Village Association member. . .very nice!

Along with the great cars, people, food and raffle prizes there was live music!

Slo Pok club president Jim Kurfurst personally handed out the custom trophies to the lucky winners at the show's conclusion Saturday afternoon.  Make sure to mark your calendars for our show next year!

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